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InDesign Layouts

2018 National Indigenous Peoples Day

2018 National Indigenous Peoples Day

Here is the poster for the entire event. All the imagery is original and designed for the poster specifically.

Tilted Kilts CD Cover

Tilted Kilts CD Cover

The Tilted Kilts is a popular Celtic band in Regina and area. They recorded a live event for their latest CD. I had the privilege of designing their album cover. What you see here is the from and back covers.

2018 Battle of the Bands Poster

2018 Battle of the Bands Poster

On National Indigenous Peoples Day 2018, they had a music band contest. Here is the poster I designed for it.

RAI Poster - Ron

RAI Poster - Ron

RAI Poster - Me

RAI Poster - Me

The one time I have my stuff in the Artesian, I make my poster...

RAI Poster - Cristian and Addy

RAI Poster - Cristian and Addy

JAG Poster

JAG Poster

This one was a fun one. The photo shoot took 10 minutes to complete and the design was already in my head for the layout. In other words, it came together fast!

Three Prairie Dog Ads

Three Prairie Dog Ads

These 3 1/8th page ads were designed for SMPIA to be added to 3 seperate issues of the Prairie Dog magazine.

Monroe Show Poster

Monroe Show Poster

Here is a poster where I am in it as an opening act as well.

Sask Film Week Ad

Sask Film Week Ad

Loaded Poster

Loaded Poster

I have this in my Photoshop ads too because of all the Photoshop effects used, but of course, it's here too.

Its a Wonderful Afterlife Poster

Its a Wonderful Afterlife Poster

A movie that will be coming out soon. I was also the DP and a lead character for the movie.

RIFFA Brochure

RIFFA Brochure

Regina International Film Festival & Awards double parallel fold brochure. What you see is both spreads, front and back. It is the inaugural year and I am the Creative Director on the board.

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